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Rigging with XNALara?

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Rigging with XNALara? Empty Rigging with XNALara?

Post by xxxLCxxx Sun May 04, 2014 1:43 am


First of all congratulations on making such a great program like XPS. I found out about the XPS from browsing DeviantArt website and saw that there are a lot of 3D models for download. I am interested in modding and 3D modeling but I am just a beginner so right now I'm reading a lot of tutorials and trying different programs. Lately I made a few simple mods for Left 4 Dead 2 game but now I would like to try character modding.

My question is, can I import 2 models into XPS and swap the skeleton (the bones) from one to another? For example: import a model of Lara and remove the bones from it (if it has them). Then import a model of one of the characters from Left 4 Dead 2, for example Rochelle, and remove the mesh but keep the bones. And then fit Rochelle's bones into Lara's model... in short perform a simple re-rigging. Is that possible to do with your program?

Thanks for your time and help.

XNALara guest
XNALara guest

Male Сообщения : 2

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Rigging with XNALara? Empty Re: Rigging with XNALara?

Post by XNAaraL Mon May 05, 2014 8:11 am

unfortunately, at present, this is not possible with XPS.
To do this, you need "Blender" or "3ds max".
If you're not familiar with these programs, here is a tutorial showing you how "XPS" can help to do it:
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XNALara teacher
XNALara teacher

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Rigging with XNALara? Empty Re: Rigging with XNALara?

Post by xxxLCxxx Tue May 06, 2014 12:37 am

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Yes, I am aware of the 2 programs you mention. I did a bit of 3D modelling a long time ago when 3DSMax was called 3D Studio and it was DOS based application. I find Blender a bit awkward when it comes to controls. But I am trying both of them.

I still think that simple rigging would be a great feature in XPS. XPS is relatively simple to use and if it had a simple rigging function for those that would like to import/convert models from one game to another it would be a great tool. It would also make their modding/rigging models easier since the 3D programs are complicated for beginners. If you are thinking about adding new features this would be a good feature to add.

Anyway, thanks again.

XNALara guest
XNALara guest

Male Сообщения : 2

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